Leave this field blank First Name Last Name Address City State and Zip Email What size album would you like? 9 x 7, 200 Photos ($39.99) 9 x 9, 200 Photos with Memo Area, Book Bound ($45.00) 12 x 10, 100 Magnetic Pages, 3 ring binder ($55.00) 12 x 12, 100 Magnetic Pages, Heavy Duty ($60.00) 13 x 9, 208 Photos, 3 ring binder ($55.00) 13 x 9, 504 Photos, 3 ring binder ($60.00) 14 x 14, 500 Photos, Book Bound ($75.99) 16 x 13 x 3, D Ring Binder (12 x 12 Pages) ($85.00) What kind of album are you interested in? Baby Photo Album Wedding Photo Album Large Scrapbook Other Do you know what fabric you would like? Yes No If yes, Please elaborate… (optional) (Please do your best to describe the fabric and album, or if you like a small album and just want it bigger etc.) If no, what are you looking for? (optional) (Please describe what you want, Trains, Snoopy, Superman, Red Satin, etc. Do you want lace on the album? Yes No Do you want a Photo Frame on the front? Yes No Would you like a name on the album? Yes No If yes, what name would you like? (optional) The name will be cut out of glitter foam and permanently fused to the fabric. It will be in a color to match the fabric. If you would like a date also please no more then 15 letters and numbers. Some exceptions can be made depending on the size of the album. Submit